Common Questions and Answers

As a home improvement contractor, can you tell me how the overall ContractorCheck rating on my business is determined?

Answer :
Experian compiles a score of points to determine your overall ContractorCheck rating. Among items that give you points are the presence of License, Bond, and Insurance information. If this information is not listed on your business credit report, you should go to the update section of this site to request an update to your Experian business credit profile. Items that can negatively affect your score are delinquent or past due credit items. To see a full copy of your Experian online business credit report, visit or go to to view both your business credit report and ContractorCheck report in one easy to read layout.

5 Reasons to Monitor Your Business

Business owner

  • 24/7 monitoring of your company's Experian credit score
  • Automatic email alerts of any unusual activity in your company's credit report that might indicate fraud
  • Unlimited access to your company's most up-to-date credit report and score
  • Dark Web Surveillance
  • Business Fraud Resolution Support

Related questions

Where does Experian get its information?

What data sources are used in Experian's business credit reports?

How can I verify my own business data?

I have a contracting / construction business and understand there is something called a ContractorCheck report. What is the relationship between a business credit report and a ContractorCheck report?

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